This is the traditional design used for decades. It utilizes a hydraulic jack installed in the ground. The jack is located directly under the car, near the center of the platform.
This application is used when a side opening is required in addition to a front opening. The rails and brackets are located on one wall of the hoistway.
This design utilizes two hydraulic jacks and provides maximum structural stability. The jacks, located on each side of the car, are either single-stage or telescopic.
This design utilizes two hydraulic jacks and provides maximum structural stability. The telescope jacks are located on each side of the car.
This design utilizes wire ropes in conjunction with two hydraulic jacks to lift the car at a 1:2 ratio. For every foot that the jacks rise, the car rises two feet.
This design utilizes a geared machine, ropes and counterweights instead of hydraulic equipment.